If you have a HandiThings® success story that you would like to share, please email your story to h[email protected]. All testimonials are from HandiThings® customers, and their comments, names, and/or emails are listed here with their permission.
"Wait time?? There is no wait time. Always ships the next day. Quality....always top notch! Customer Service....although it's never been face to face, I can guarantee it's with a smile : ) We here in Las Vegas LOVE your HandiWriters!!"
"I order supplies for the Occupational and Physical Therapists here in NV. We are the fifth largest school district in the U.S.!! I just have to say my OT's love, love, love your HandiWriters. It is one of my staple supplies. When I say my OT's I mean all 100 of them. They service over 7000 students with special needs here. Just thought I'd let you know. You have a customer for life!!!"
RuthAnne Rush
"My daughter is a brain tumor survivor. She uses one of these in her OT class. We are now stocking her up for school and home. We were suggested that she uses it all day (not just in OT). Thank you for a great product!"
Bre Ann
"Dear Mr. Heinz, I received the hand weights today. I cannot do without them, thanks to you. I went to 3 doctors, each one wanted to give me medicine. My son got your hand weights from the internet. My hand shakes very little now, and I can even write my name! I keep the weights on until around 4PM. They have been a huge help controlling my tremoring hands. This is a wonderful product that I fully endorse and recommend! God Bless You!"
E. Solimine
Hi HandiThings Team;
The arm weights are helping me strengthen my upper arms while I work. Just that little extra weight helps.
Sincerely Yours,
Marcia Elliott
The arm weights are helping me strengthen my upper arms while I work. Just that little extra weight helps.
Sincerely Yours,
Marcia Elliott
Hello again, it's Portia and I am responding to the one pound hand glove that we received. The glove is working out GREAT. I will be ordering another one pound hand glove today. We would like to thank you for what you do. It is really helping tremendously for the tremors.
Thank you
Portia Ford
Thank you
Portia Ford
I live in Ireland and I am a teacher. A friend gave me one of your HandiWriter®S which I think is one of the best things I have used to get children to hold a pencil correctly. And I have tried numerous grips! I have spent a year and a half trying to find where to buy them and feel so thrilled that I have found your web site!!
Thanking You
[email protected]
My daughter corrected her pencil holding problem as soon her teacher lent her a HandiWriter®. It was miraculous. When we ordered our HandiWriter®s, we asked for them to be shipped to our daughter. As soon as the package arrived, she opened it right away to get her new HandiWriter®. Thank you very much for your wonderful product. It definitely solved our (her) problem."
ZX, Washington
I want to say thanks. The HandiWriter® is a great product. Our son Alec has hypotonia and it effects his fine motor. At 5 1/2 he has terrible trouble writing. Your product has had an immediate impact on him, and he has only been using it about a week. His teachers love it and plan to order some.
Thanks again,
Jeff Hunter (MD)
[email protected]
I don't know if you came up with the idea for the HandiWriter® but if you did, I thank you and compliment you on your great thinking. My son is a lefty and he has had trouble with his pencil grip since preschool. I tried every possible pencil grip I could find but nothing really helped him. His OT at All Children's Specialty Care in Tampa gave him a HandiWriter®. He loves it and it is really helping him. He wears it on his wrist all day long and I have had to wash it several times!
Kelly Cortez
[email protected]
"I am so happy to see your website and learn about your products! A teacher of autistically-impaired children showed me the HandiWriter® that the mother of one of our students obtained for her daughter. I thought it was a very unique and functional writing apparatus. I am going to order some for the schools in which I provide OT services. Thank you so much!"
Connie Ehlke, OTR, ([email protected])
“Wow!! I love this thing. Maria worked with it this morning and I have to say that it has made a HUGE difference. Thank you again, soooooo much!!”
“Hi! Thank you so much! My son is loving to write now. Thanks a million!!
“The HandiWriter® has helped a girl who has struggled with holding a pencil for the last three years. We tried all the original pencil grippers but none of those worked. Truly, she holds the pencil right every time now.”
Rebecca Jackson
Special Ed. Teacher
“My daughter is 7 years old and in the 1st grade. She started with an OT teacher in the Public School System in February 2004 along with Huntington Learning Center. The OT teacher, and Huntington, have been working on her hand writing skills. In late March/April her hand writing was improving by leaps and bounds. Huntington was having to adjust her work because of the improvement. I found out from the OT that the newest tool that our daughter had been using was the HandiWriter®™, and this is why her handwriting had improved so much. School has now been out for 4 ½ months, and we just meet with Huntington for a monthly review. Huntington asked us what has happened to our daughters handwriting? It has gotten very bad again. I told Huntington that we lost the ‘magic tool’ she got from her OT, but we were going to order a case of the ‘magic’. Huntington asked what the magic tool was, and I said it was the HandiWriter®™. I asked if they would mind if our daughter used the magic tool while she was at Huntington and he said ‘no, we welcome new things that work for any child’s needs.
I am giving Huntington Learning Center the website and a pack of your HandiWriter®s. Maybe Huntington Learning Center can try the HandiWriter®™ with some of the other kids that may need a little ‘magic’.
Thank you for using your special gifts that God gave you to create such a wonderful tool and share with those who need them.”
Malisa Robertson
[email protected]
“I am an Occupational Therapist here in Israel and have used the HandiWriter® with great success. I love your products. You should distribute them here!! Thank you for such speedy and pleasant service,”
Barbara Shuker
[email protected]
“I thought I would write to you to let you know what a difference the HandiWriter®™ has made with my daughter, who is 8 years old. She no longer has to do her work on the computer as we had first been told by her Therapist. She doesn’t stand out any more as the only one in the class who has to use a computer. She is printing great! We bought the HandiWriter®™ at her childresn therapy center. I recommend getting a HandiWriter®™ for home and school. She really thinks it is cool, and so do her friends!”
Thank you,
Nadine, Ontario, Canada
(followup) “Just a quick note back. I would not mind at all if you used my email in your testimonials. If it can help other children as well as my daughter, I would be thrilled. Nadine.”
“Your HandiWriter®s work miracles!!!!!!!”
"Our O/T found a wonderful product that is helping Kaitlin tremendously with her writing skills. It is called the HandiWriter®. It is so simply made it is ironic, but whoever thought of it, well, kudos' to them!!! What it does for writing is astonishing. It makes them hold the perfect pencil position and perfect finger position. The same with the hand and wrist, which in turn makes for better penmanship. If you remember she had that upstroke thing going on and this prohibits that all together. Eventually she won't need it at all. I just found a website for it but recommend you to have a teacher or O/T check it out for your child first, to make sure that it is right for them. They also have arm weights and hand weights that look extraordinary for those who need muscle training, etc. I highly recommend the HandiWriter®!!!!!"
Beth Humes ([email protected])
“The HandiWriter® is the best handwriting tool I have ever used”
Nettie Grimes, Washington School District
I live in Ireland and I am a teacher. A friend gave me one of your HandiWriter®S which I think is one of the best things I have used to get children to hold a pencil correctly. And I have tried numerous grips! I have spent a year and a half trying to find where to buy them and feel so thrilled that I have found your web site!!
Thanking You
[email protected]
My daughter corrected her pencil holding problem as soon her teacher lent her a HandiWriter®. It was miraculous. When we ordered our HandiWriter®s, we asked for them to be shipped to our daughter. As soon as the package arrived, she opened it right away to get her new HandiWriter®. Thank you very much for your wonderful product. It definitely solved our (her) problem."
ZX, Washington
I want to say thanks. The HandiWriter® is a great product. Our son Alec has hypotonia and it effects his fine motor. At 5 1/2 he has terrible trouble writing. Your product has had an immediate impact on him, and he has only been using it about a week. His teachers love it and plan to order some.
Thanks again,
Jeff Hunter (MD)
[email protected]
I don't know if you came up with the idea for the HandiWriter® but if you did, I thank you and compliment you on your great thinking. My son is a lefty and he has had trouble with his pencil grip since preschool. I tried every possible pencil grip I could find but nothing really helped him. His OT at All Children's Specialty Care in Tampa gave him a HandiWriter®. He loves it and it is really helping him. He wears it on his wrist all day long and I have had to wash it several times!
Kelly Cortez
[email protected]
"I am so happy to see your website and learn about your products! A teacher of autistically-impaired children showed me the HandiWriter® that the mother of one of our students obtained for her daughter. I thought it was a very unique and functional writing apparatus. I am going to order some for the schools in which I provide OT services. Thank you so much!"
Connie Ehlke, OTR, ([email protected])
“Wow!! I love this thing. Maria worked with it this morning and I have to say that it has made a HUGE difference. Thank you again, soooooo much!!”
“Hi! Thank you so much! My son is loving to write now. Thanks a million!!
“The HandiWriter® has helped a girl who has struggled with holding a pencil for the last three years. We tried all the original pencil grippers but none of those worked. Truly, she holds the pencil right every time now.”
Rebecca Jackson
Special Ed. Teacher
“My daughter is 7 years old and in the 1st grade. She started with an OT teacher in the Public School System in February 2004 along with Huntington Learning Center. The OT teacher, and Huntington, have been working on her hand writing skills. In late March/April her hand writing was improving by leaps and bounds. Huntington was having to adjust her work because of the improvement. I found out from the OT that the newest tool that our daughter had been using was the HandiWriter®™, and this is why her handwriting had improved so much. School has now been out for 4 ½ months, and we just meet with Huntington for a monthly review. Huntington asked us what has happened to our daughters handwriting? It has gotten very bad again. I told Huntington that we lost the ‘magic tool’ she got from her OT, but we were going to order a case of the ‘magic’. Huntington asked what the magic tool was, and I said it was the HandiWriter®™. I asked if they would mind if our daughter used the magic tool while she was at Huntington and he said ‘no, we welcome new things that work for any child’s needs.
I am giving Huntington Learning Center the website and a pack of your HandiWriter®s. Maybe Huntington Learning Center can try the HandiWriter®™ with some of the other kids that may need a little ‘magic’.
Thank you for using your special gifts that God gave you to create such a wonderful tool and share with those who need them.”
Malisa Robertson
[email protected]
“I am an Occupational Therapist here in Israel and have used the HandiWriter® with great success. I love your products. You should distribute them here!! Thank you for such speedy and pleasant service,”
Barbara Shuker
[email protected]
“I thought I would write to you to let you know what a difference the HandiWriter®™ has made with my daughter, who is 8 years old. She no longer has to do her work on the computer as we had first been told by her Therapist. She doesn’t stand out any more as the only one in the class who has to use a computer. She is printing great! We bought the HandiWriter®™ at her childresn therapy center. I recommend getting a HandiWriter®™ for home and school. She really thinks it is cool, and so do her friends!”
Thank you,
Nadine, Ontario, Canada
(followup) “Just a quick note back. I would not mind at all if you used my email in your testimonials. If it can help other children as well as my daughter, I would be thrilled. Nadine.”
“Your HandiWriter®s work miracles!!!!!!!”
"Our O/T found a wonderful product that is helping Kaitlin tremendously with her writing skills. It is called the HandiWriter®. It is so simply made it is ironic, but whoever thought of it, well, kudos' to them!!! What it does for writing is astonishing. It makes them hold the perfect pencil position and perfect finger position. The same with the hand and wrist, which in turn makes for better penmanship. If you remember she had that upstroke thing going on and this prohibits that all together. Eventually she won't need it at all. I just found a website for it but recommend you to have a teacher or O/T check it out for your child first, to make sure that it is right for them. They also have arm weights and hand weights that look extraordinary for those who need muscle training, etc. I highly recommend the HandiWriter®!!!!!"
Beth Humes ([email protected])
“The HandiWriter® is the best handwriting tool I have ever used”
Nettie Grimes, Washington School District